For providers

  • Deliver 3-year-old preschool from 2026

    How the Office for Early Childhood Development can help providers get ready for 3-year-old preschool and support we can offer to meet quality expectations.
  • A community approach to improve outcomes for children

    Helping raise the quality of South Australia’s early childhood education and care services and connecting services for the best start.
  • Our shared passion for early childhood

    Champion change and develop a system that gives all South Australian children the best possible start.
  • Consultation and engagement

    The Office for Early Childhood Development consults across the early childhood development sector to create a better and fairer future for children across South Australia. See details on upcoming consultations the Office for Early Childhood Development is leading and how you can be involved in shaping South Australia’s early childhood reforms.
  • The Minister's Early Childhood Advisory Forum

    The Minister’s Early Childhood Advisory Forum (MECAF) was established in April this year to support the Honourable Blair Boyer MP, Minister for Education, Training and Skills on early childhood matters in South Australia.
  • Local Teams to support early childhood reforms

    A statewide network of Local Teams is bringing the early childhood reforms to life across diverse communities of South Australia. Local Teams live and work in the communities they serve, to create stronger, trusted relationships.
  • Preschool Boost for early childhood services

    Preschool Boost is a funding program to support early childhood education services to do more to address developmental vulnerability. Partner preschool services can use Preschool Boost funding to purchase allied health services and other quality programs from the Preschool Boost menu.
  • Investing in preschool infrastructure

    The Government of South Australia is investing in preschool infrastructure to support the roll-out of 3-year-old preschool from 2026. The Preschool Infrastructure Strategy, released in December 2024, details how the government will work with the sector to deliver new and expanded early childhood infrastructure where it’s needed, so all children can access 2 years of preschool by 2032.