Draft policy and funding guide
Expression of interest to become a partner service
Expression of interest for non-government providers
Providers interested in partnering to deliver a preschool program under the new model will need to submit an expression of interest.
Providers will also need to submit information at both a provider and service level. For providers with multiple services, information relating to enrolment, quality measures, and workforce will be requested for each service.
Overview of the process
- Check your eligibility against the provider requirements.
- Complete an expression of interest. Provide all requested documentation and evidence (for example, submission of information at a provider level plus enrolment, quality and workforce information for each service).
- Provider eligibility will be assessed based on meeting the provider eligibility requirements.
- Service eligibility will be assessed based on meeting the service eligibility requirements.
- Successful applicants will be advised in writing in May 2025.
- Unsuccessful applicants will be advised in writing, stating the reasons their application was not approved.
- If oversubscribed, OECD reserves the right to prioritise approvals based on quality and location of services.