Investing in preschool infrastructure

The Government of South Australia is investing in preschool infrastructure to support the roll-out of 3-year-old preschool from 2026.

The Preschool Infrastructure Strategy, released in December 2024, details how the government will work with the sector to deliver new and expanded early childhood infrastructure where it’s needed, so all children can access 2 years of preschool by 2032.

A key commitment is to open a grant program to co-invest in additional infrastructure capacity where necessary  across the state. The Flying Start Infrastructure Grants program will invest $40 million over four years to support the sector to deliver new or expanded facilities in areas with projected unmet demand for preschool. This investment - in addition to expanding government preschools where needed, and readying government services to welcome 3-year-olds -  will achieve additional preschool capacity needed for the roll-out of 3-year-old preschool in South Australia. This funding will support the expansion of preschool places in long day care services and sessional preschools and the establishment of newly built long day care services offering preschool.

The Flying Start Infrastructure Grants guidelines are available now, outlining the process and requirements to apply for a grant.

To help the sector understand areas of unmet demand, a Market Information Summary is now available.  These identified geographical areas of unmet demand are our priority areas for investment through the Flying Start Infrastructure Grants.

To support the sector to plan, apply for funding and deliver an infrastructure project, the Flying Start Infrastructure Guidance Pack will be available shortly, together with helpful templates. Additional sector supports will be offered by a referral process, to assist eligible providers to develop grant applications.

Round 1 of the Flying Start Infrastructure Grants program will open on 28 February 2025. The portal to apply will be available on this date.

Applications will close 2 May 2025.  

Further information about the grants program will become available on the Flying Start infrastructure grants page. Specific queries about the program, applying for a grant or information about sector supports can be directed to