The Minister's Early Childhood Advisory Forum

Bringing sector voices together

The Minister’s Early Childhood Advisory Forum (MECAF) was formed in April this year to support the Honourable Blair Boyer MP, Minister for Education, Training and Skills on early childhood matters in South Australia.

MECAF seeks to engage sector voices and early childhood experts to advance the government’s long-term ambition to help all South Australian children to thrive.

MECAF meets 4 to 6 times a year. Participation in the MECAF is by invitation from the Minister. Current MECAF members include representatives from:

The Minister invited 5 expert members with a track record in research, scholarship, policy development or system reform related to early childhood to join MECAF. The MECAF expert members include:

Dr Anne Glover
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Education Futures UniSA

Dr Rhiannon Pilkington
University of Adelaide

Professor Sally Brinkman
Education Futures UniSA

Professor Sharon Goldfeld
Director, Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children’s Hospital
Theme Director, Population Health
Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Associate Professor Yasmin Harman-Smith
Head of Early Years Systems Evidence
Telethon Kids Institute