Building South Australia's early childhood workforce

South Australia’s early childhood workforce is set for a significant expansion under a landmark strategy to find, attract, train, and upskill dedicated staff to meet the needs of the 3-year-old preschool roll-out.

The Early Childhood Workforce Strategy, launched today, (21 June 2024) is a comprehensive plan to build and grow a strong and valued workforce to support our nation-leading early childhood reforms.

Early childhood is a critical time – 90 per cent of a child’s brain development has happened by the time a child is 5 years old. The work of our early childhood teachers and educators supports every child to flourish, creating a fairer and more prosperous society.

Hundreds of new, skilled jobs will be created across South Australia as 3-year-old preschool rolls out from 2026.

The government will support those with a passion for making an impact to become early childhood professionals, and work with employers to better support existing staff in the sector. This includes:

  • scholarships of up to $25,000 for people studying to become early childhood teachers or $7000 for people studying a diploma in early childhood education and care
  • professional development pathways to support new career opportunities in early childhood
  • an Aboriginal workforce strategy to increase the number of Aboriginal teachers and educators working in the early childhood sector.

The $96.6m package is part of the state government’s $1.9b investment in the early childhood sector, which includes the roll-out of universal 3-year-old preschool across the state and aims to increase participation in and connection between early childhood services and reduce the rates of childhood developmental vulnerability.

The funding works to develop and support the early childhood workforce, invests in quality teaching and learning, and further enables the critical quality work of the Education Standards Board.

Read the strategy.

Quotes attributable to Office for Early Childhood Development Chief Executive Kim Little 

To achieve this reform, we need more people from all corners of our community to join the early childhood workforce and sustain this growth over time by support and valuing our skilled early childhood workforce.  

Through the strategy we will provide financial support for people studying early childhood at TAFE or university, help people to upskill from educators to teachers and build the quality and diversity of the workforce. 

If you’re considering upskilling or pursuing a career in early childhood, there has never been a better time.

Quotes attributable to Blackwood Community Child Care Centre Early Childhood Educator, Will Schulze

Having an opportunity to upskill whilst raising a young family looked impossible until hearing about the government's early childhood workforce initiatives. 

We can pursue professional development to advance our careers, while continuing to support children in the most critical stage of their learning.