Growing the workforce

Investing in South Australia's early childhood workforce

Early childhood teachers and educators play a vital role in supporting the learning, wellbeing, and development of young children. With more than 90 per cent of a child’s brain development happening before the age of 5, the benefits of quality teacher-led, play-based preschool are critical.

In South Australia, the early childhood workforce is set for a significant expansion under a landmark strategy to find, attract, upskill and retain dedicated staff for the universal roll-out of 3-year-old preschool from 2026.

An educator wearing a pink patterned headscarf with blue blocks on her fingers with a small child with red blocks

South Australia's Early Childhood Workforce Strategy

South Australia’s Early Childhood Workforce Strategy is a comprehensive plan to build and grow a strong and valued workforce to support our nation-leading early childhood reforms.

The $96.6m investment is part of the state government’s $1.9b commitment to the early childhood sector, which includes the roll-out of universal three-year-old preschool across the state and aims to increase participation in and connection between early childhood services and reduce the rates of childhood developmental vulnerability.

The funding works to develop and support the early childhood workforce, invests in quality teaching and learning, and further enables the critical quality work of the Education Standards Board.

Key elements of the strategy include:

Download the Early Childhood Workforce Strategy

Read our plan to boost the early childhood workforce

For more information about financial support for studying early childhood – or to register for updates – see Financial assistance.