Professional network grants checklist

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Before you apply

Follow the checklists below to help prepare your application for a Flying Start Professional Network Grant.




Have I read and understood the grant guidelines?


Am I eligible to apply?

  • Have   I assessed the eligibility for the specific grant (type 1, type 2, type 3)   using the ARIA index for metropolitan, regional and remote status?
  • Have   I checked my location against the OECD Regions

Have I gathered the details about the proposed members that will be involved in the network?

  • Organisation   name and address
  • Aboriginal   Community Controlled Organisation or Aboriginal owned
  • Role   in the proposal and written evidence they have agreed to participate

Have I checked I am the correct person in my organisation to be lodging the application?


Have I created a SmartyGrants account?


Have I accessed the SmartyGrants application form and checked the format of the response required to each question to ensure the information I collect is in the right format e.g. short answer, multiple choice, upload document, tables to be filled out.


Completing your application




Have I included the name, address and ABN of my organisation?


Have I left myself plenty of time to draft the application?


Are my contact details correct? Name, phone and email.


Have I included evidence of insurance cover?


Have I added details about the early childhood services that will be supported by the proposal?


Have I added details about partner organisations that will be involved in the proposal, if applicable?


Have I responded to all assessment criteria questions? (see Appendix A for a copy of the questions)


Have I checked the budget proposal is accurate and adequately reflects the proposed activities?


Have I checked that the proposed activities are eligible for funding and are aligned with the funding type applied for?


Submitting your application




Is my application being submitted before the close date? (Noting no applications will be accepted after the closing date).

Are all questions in the application complete?

Are all services, partners, and organisations aware of their inclusion in the proposal? Have all parties
nominated agreed to be involved?

Have I prepared all evidence and attachments (if required) and checked they are accurate?

Am I able to confidently agree to all declarations?


Appendix 1

All questions are in the online SmartyGrants application form. Questions include a range of free text, check box, and information tables to be populated.

Please refer to the SmartyGrants form to ensure you have collected the information required for each question and in the correct format.

Community connection

  • If your organisation is NOT based in South Australia, please provide details about the organisations you support in South Australia.
  • How is your organisation connected with the delivery or support of early learning services, or children and families?

Application type

  • Are you applying for a Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3 grant?
  • Is the proposed network new or existing?

Geographic location

  • What is the intended geographic footprint and how is this aligned with the OECD Areas?
  • What geographical areas within the OECD region are included?
  • Where partial coverage of an OECD region is proposed, please provide a map and reasons for partial coverage.

Professional network membership

  • What are the details of the organisations that will be members of the professional network? (Table)
    • What existing relationships will your organisation have that will be included in the professional network membership?
    • What evidence is there of a commitment to participate from member organisations?
  • How will the professional network include and induct new providers of 3-year-old preschool as they sign on as providers later in the funding period?
  • If the network already exists, how will you ‘reset’ to welcome new members and ensure the forward agenda is collaboratively design and owned?

Delivery partners

  • Details of other organisation (if any) that have agreed to work in partnership with you to deliver the professional network and their financial or in-kind contribution. (Table)

Co-design and data literacy

  • What is your knowledge and experience of co-design (or how will these skills be acquired)?
  • How will co-design principles and practices be applied to support the development of a collaborative agenda and action plan with members?
  • How will local data be used to support exploration of strengths and challenges with members (such as the Australian Early Development Census)?

Network management

  • What methods will you use to recruit members
  • What is the approach to delivering the 4 meetings per year including online and in person formats?
  • What is your approach to how the forward plan will be managed and tracked to ensure collaborative progress tow3ards goals?
  • How will you actively support the maturity of the professional network over the funding period such as how activities will be sustained beyond the funding period or how the network will be closed.

Organisational capacity and capability

  • What skills, expertise and human resources will your organisation provide to deliver the management and operational aspects of the professional network are supported?
  • How will you ensure the professional networks are safe and inclusive for professionals from diverse backgrounds from your local community?
  • What are the specific processes or practices you will include to integrate cultural safety into the professional network?


  • Budget item 1 - Grant funds should include items that your organisation is seeking funding for to support delivery of the professional network (table).
  • Budget item 2 - Co-contribution should include items that your organisation or other organisations will contribute to the Professional Network, if applicable (table).
  • Please provide an overview of the number of services and children who will benefit from the professional network.
  • Please provide a summary of how the application represents value for money. This should include reference to budget table and co-contribution table, where applicable.

Next steps

Download the Professional Networks Grant fact sheet

Apply now

Have a question?

Check the Frequently asked questions

Or email the OECD's Workforce team.