Workforce Grants checklist

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Before you apply

Follow the checklists below to help prepare your application for a Flying Start Workforce Grant.




Have I read and understood the grant guidelines?


Am I eligible to apply?


Have I gathered the details about early childhood services that will be supported by the proposal?

  • Name, address and SE-ID of early childhood service
  • Delivers or plans to deliver a preschool program, employs or seeks to employ an early childhood teacher
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation or Aboriginal owned
  • Operating with a waiver, underutilised places
  • Role in the proposal and written evidence they have agreed to participate

Have I gathered the details about partner organisations that will be involved in the proposal?

  • Organisation name and address
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation or Aboriginal owned
  • Role in the proposal and written evidence they have agreed to participate

Have I checked I am the correct person in my organisation to be lodging the application?


Have I created a SmartyGrants account?


Completing your application




Have I included the name, address and ABN of my organisation?


Have I left myself plenty of time to draft the application?


Are my contact details correct? Name, phone and email.


Have I included evidence of insurance cover?


Have I added all the required details about early childhood services that will be supported by the proposal?


Have I added all the required details about partner organisations that will be involved in the proposal?


Have I responded to all assessment criteria questions? (see Appendix A for a copy of the questions)


Is the proposal clear? Does it include the types of activities proposed and anticipated timeframes?


Have I outlined the measurable outcomes for the proposal?


Have I checked the budget proposal is accurate and adequately reflects the proposed activities?


Submitting your application




Is my application being submitted before the close date?


Are all questions in the application complete?


Are all services, partners, and organisations aware of their inclusion in the proposal? Have all agreed to be involved?


Have I prepared all evidence and attachments (if required) and checked they are accurate?


Am I able to confidently agree to all declarations?


Appendix 1

Assessment criteria questions

  • What are the current early childhood workforce challenges for your community and how will your proposal overcome these?
  • How will your proposal attract, retain or sustain the early childhood workforce in your community?
  • In what ways does your proposal demonstrate an innovative response to address early childhood workforce challenges in your community?
  • What knowledge, skills, and expertise will be shared with the organisations involved in your proposal?
    • How will this be shared?
  • How will your proposal ensure cultural safety, wellbeing and mental health is embedded in your early childhood workforce community?
  • Will you be able to continue your proposal at the end of the funding period? 
    • [if yes] How will you sustain the proposal at the end of the funding period?
    • [if no or maybe] Outline your exit plan at the end of the funding period.

Next steps

Download the Flying Start Workforce Grant factsheet

Apply now

Have a question?

Check the Frequently asked questions

Contact the OECD's Workforce team.